

2021 Fall Titles Sneak Peek


Read on for a sneak peek of our upcoming titles. Our whole Fall list will soon be available!

Lithium: For a Successful Energy Transition
by Michel Jébrak & Christian Hocquard
An ambitious and essential essay that takes the form of a reference book while shedding light on a current global issue: energy supply. The exploitation of the precious lithium could have a major impact on the world’s energy balance and free us from fossil fuels. What gives lithium its electrical energy storage properties? Can it be used in an environmentally friendly way?

The Cat’s Enigma: Cognition and Communication
by François Y. Doré
This essay provides a wealth of know-ledge about the cat’s cognitive abilities and their associated functions such as communication and personality. An ethological document that brings together the most up-to-date scientific knowledge on the subject. Some myths associated with the cat, such as its invariable independence or its resistance to training are deconstructed.


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